Sons Of Allen

The purpose of the Sons of Allen of the African Methodist Episcopal Church shall be:

  •  To lead men to an acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

  • To organize men into units and empower them to meet men’s needs in such areas as Evangelism and Stewardship.

  • To teach the men of our denomination the history, doctrine and polity of our denomination with focus on the life, mission and ministry of our ancestral father, Richard Allen.

  • To teach the men to witness their faith in daily living, such as in the workplace, the community, and the home.

  • To encourage men to engage in outreach and service as a part of Christian servanthood.

  • To seek resources and support of men as husbands and fathers.

  • To empower men to serve as role models to young men and to develop youth ministries such as scouting ministries in local units.

  • To encourage men to share in ecumenical relations.


Meeting Date and Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am 2nd Saturday of each month