Lay Ministry

Meeting Date and Time: 10:00 am - Noon 3rd Saturday of each month

 (Resource: The Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church pages, 470-472, 2016)  (Resource: The Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church pages, 470-472, 2016) 

Section 1. 
Mission Statement. 
The Lay Organization of the African Methodist Episcopal Church is commissioned to teach, train and empower its members for lay ministry, global leadership and service following the tenets of Jesus Christ. 

Section 2.
The purpose of this organization shall be to organize and train the laity of the African Methodist Episcopal Church so that lay persons may maximally utilize their God given abilities (page 471), and skills to improve and extend the kingdom, to create happiness, peace, and harmony among its members. 

​Section 3.
Objectives – To accomplish this purpose, the following objectives are adopted; 

a. To instill in the membership of the church a love for, and an appreciation of the history, traditions, principles and development of African Methodism by encouraging, motivating, and educating all lay persons, 
b. To keep forever alive the sacred memory of Richard Allen, the illustrious founder of the AMEC. 
c. To advocate respect and loyalty at all times to constituted authority and leadership. 
d. To encourage the laity to support the total program of the church in the local congregation, in the community, and throughout the Connection. 
e. To foster a systematic and regular study of The Doctrine and Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and parliamentary procedure, to the end that greater knowledge and information may be disseminated among the laity, and with the further purpose of encouraging lay members to participate more largely in the general functioning and supervision of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. 
f. To foster, influence, and support all constructive and progressive legislation for the church that promotes the teachings of Jesus Christ. 
g. To encourage development, recognition, and utilization of the most appropriate operational practices and modern technology in conducting the activities of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. 
h. To promote the spread of personal evangelism through activities designed to prepare lay members for appropriately conveying God’s Word. 
i. To provide training in Christian stewardship, which causes lay members to recognize that the connotation of stewardship addresses more than giving money. 
j. To increase the circulation of church periodicals. 
k. To provide for the orderly and systematic training of lay persons, especially officers, in order that they might more effectively perform their service responsibilities. page 472 
l. To promote activities which will result in harmonious fellowship for lay persons throughout the Connection. 
m. To help in the support of the AME educational institutions. 
n. To give financial assistance to the Connectional Lay Economic Development Corporation (CLEDC) in support of Connectional programs.